
Andrew Malan Milward was born in Lexington, Kentucky, and grew up in Lawrence, Kansas. A graduate of the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, he is the author of the story collections The Agriculture Hall of Fame, which was awarded the Juniper Prize for Fiction by the University of Massachusetts, and I Was a Revolutionary (HarperCollins, 2015), which was awarded the Friends of American Writers Literature Award. A book of novellas, You Are Loved, received the Nilsen Literary Prize and was released in 2024. His fiction has been a finalist for the National Magazine Award and appeared in many places, including Zoetrope, Oxford American, VQR, American Short Fiction, The Southern Review, Guernica, as well as Best New American Voices. His first book of nonfiction, Jayhawker: On History, Home, and Basketball, was released in 2019. Milward has served as the McCreight Fiction Fellow at the University of Wisconsin, a Steinbeck Fellow at San Jose State University, and has received fellowships and awards from the Lannan Foundation, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the Corporation of Yaddo. Formerly the Editor-in-Chief of Mississippi Review, he is an associate professor of English at the University of Kentucky.

